With Multi Day Fishing Trips Our Fishing Options are Limitless
We offer truly spectacular Destin charter fishing trips!

We are able to fish for a multitude of different offshore and deep water species on the same trip.
Typically we will do a combination of deep water live bait fishing for big reef fish like amberjacks, groupers and snappers, we can swordfish at night while drifting in 1,500 to 3,000 ft of water. We have the option to tuna fish for yellow fin tuna and dolphin fish around the floating oil rigs in the Gulf as well.
We customize our fishing trip to the customers desires and time frame. We have several different start times, but typically the earlier we leave the better. We really enjoy leaving the night before and traveling all night to be on the far offshore fishing grounds at daylight.
Multi day and overnight trips are special for several reasons. First of all we get to fish the distant offshore grounds that you can't get to on a day trip. We get to go fish the places that get "us" fired up. Not many boats can range 70-100+ miles offshore to fish. Multi day trips let us go target some really big fish including Blue marlins and big tunas.
Watching the sunset and rise while far offshore is not something that everyone gets to do. It is pretty awesome just being there. It's like a serious adult camping trip with all of the comforts of home plus the Gulf of Mexico thrown in! The fishing is incredible and you never know what you are going to catch next.
We eat good on our 2 day trips. Steaks on the grill, some fresh fish and cold beverage top it all off. A hot shower and some serious sleep, lead to sunrise on the Gulf and a fresh cup of coffee. Time to go back to work!
We offer extended day trips 14, 16 & 18 hrs, as well as 24hr trips, 2 and 3 day overnight trips. Its serious fishing, big adventure and good times.